
Hi everyone! So last year my plan was to make a blog and stick to it, which somehow did not work out and I ended up with two posts and never thought to post again. This year is different though and I want to stick to this blog and make something out of it.

My name is Marisa, I’m twenty years old and currently live in Scotland in the UK. I love coffee, naps, food, history, criminology and a whole lot of other things that you’ll get to know throughout my posts.

I used to make Youtube videos and had several channels from 2008-2013. I’m considering starting Youtube again but for now I’m going to stick to this blog and really put some time and effort into it.

So if you’re wondering what kind of things I’ll be posting it’ll be a huge variety including hauls (I love shopping), college related posts, health posts, what I eat in a day posts, etc etc. And feel free to leave any comments with suggestions.

Thanks for reading!

– Marisa x

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